Drug-Free World Florida Steps Up Its Drug Awareness Activities
Volunteers from the Foundation for a Drug-Free World stepped up their drug awareness activities in Florida. They reach out to their communities with distribution of more than 6,500 The Truth About Drugs booklets in a single weekend. They also delivered drug education lectures to hundreds of students throughout Ybor City, Clearwater Beach, St. Petersburg and Sarasota, Florida.

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a secular organization whose volunteers and board members span all ages and include members from a wide cross section of ages, professions and beliefs.
The Foundation makes its Truth About Drugs series of booklets available to non-profit organizations free of charge. “When people have the facts, they can’t be fooled or lied to, and they will make positive decisions for their lives,” said Antonella Antonecchia, Social Reform Director for the Church of Scientology of Tampa, which uses the Foundation’s materials in its community drug awareness programs. “The Truth About Drugs booklets make it easy for anyone to be smart about drugs.”
The Foundation for a Drug-Free World has distributed over 100,000 booklets in the Tampa Bay area and 26 million worldwide.
To find out more, order a FREE Truth About Drugs Information Kit