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At conferences around the world, members of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World meet with other drug prevention specialists and share resources they can put to immediate use in their own programs.



Drawing on more than twenty years of experience working with teenagers, parents and other drug prevention specialists, we provide factual information and real-life stories that get through to young people, causing them to actually change their mindset about using drugs.

The core of the Foundation’s education program consists of the 1 hour and 42 minute documentary The Truth About Drugs: Real People—Real Stories. Coupled with our award-winning TV public service announcements and The Truth About Drugs booklet series, this program reaches kids and, once reached, they decide all on their own to stay away from drugs.

Here is what drug prevention specialists have to say about our program:

“[The program is] very effective in regards to prevention and awareness. It has encouraged conversations between youth and their peers and youth and their parents; other youth have referred their friends to participate in the program.”
ST, Child and Youth Services Coordinator, Canada

“The resources provided by the Drug-Free World Foundation have helped our agency raise awareness in the community regarding the dangers, health risks and consequences surrounded by substance use and abuse. The receiving students and faculty have been very impressed with the quality, professionalism and content of the videos and curriculum. The information has been very well received by the participating youth, especially, because they can relate to the current issues addressed in the videos and PSAs.”
JF, Prevention Program Supervisor, New Jersey

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