Table of Contents
At local civic events and festivals around the world, Drug-Free Youth Club members can be spotted sharing The Truth About Drugs booklets with anyone who wants to know the real facts on drugs.


In Los Angeles, members of a Drug-Free Youth Club learn what they can do to educate others and prevent local drug abuse.
In Los Angeles, members of a Drug-Free Youth Club learn what they can do to educate others and prevent local drug abuse.

Every twelve seconds another school-age child experiments with illicit drugs for the first time. Therefore it is even more urgent that drug education and prevention measures reach kids before they start.

As part of the Foundation’s drug education and awareness campaign, schools and community centers around the world sponsor and host Drug-Free World Youth Clubs. Whether in Twin Cities, Minnesota, or Chihuahua, Mexico, their message is simple: Find out the truth about drugs.

Young people become drug-free activists through participation in the clubs and their many community activities. Showings of the sixteen public service announcements and the 90-minute documentary, The Truth About Drugs: Real People—Real Stories, are regularly done to given an in-depth look at an individual drug.

Among the activities is getting others to sign the Drug-Free Pledge to lead drug-free lives. In so doing, they reverse peer pressure and create drug-free zones in their schools, neighborhoods and communities.